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Court Hall / Courts - The Laws Of Liberty C...
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 08, 2024, 11:36 PM
Liberty City Laws

Part one
Act 1.1
Long title: This act citation is the Criminal Laws of Liberty City of IV:MP.
Short title: This act short citation is the Criminal Laws.

Act 1.2
Act includes all acts included in the constitution and laws submitted by the courts or government of Liberty City.
Serious offence is an offence which puts another person's life or national security into direct danger.
Bodily harm includes all sorts of wounds and injuries to a person.
Criminal organisation is a group of people gathering with the goal of committing a crime.
Law Enforcement Organisation (LEO) is a government organisation which enforces the laws of Liberty City.
Law Enforcement Organisations in Liberty City are the Liberty City Police Department (LCPD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Law Enforcer is a member of LCPD or FBI.
Highway is a road with four or more lanes outside of the city, not crossed by a pedestrian crossing and with lanes of opposite direction usually separated by a barrier or additional space.
Driver is a person who is operating a vehicle.
Vehicle owner is a person who bought or received the vehicle and is responsible for it.
Crime is an action described in this document and is punishable by the law.
A fine is a fee paid to the government for committed crimes. Its height is defined by the LCPD and approved by the government.
Perpetrator is a person who has committed or attempted to commit a crime.
Abuse of power is using one's powers to cause harm to others or pursue one's personal goals.
Authorisation is a specific permission given to an individual or a group of individuals by the government or the courts of Liberty City or by the LCPD or the FBI.
Drugs are addictive substances that temporarily provide joy to the person using them and that might cause problems with perception.

Part two - generalities
Act 2.1
Presumption of innocence - a person is deemed innocent until proven otherwise in the due process of justice.

Act 2.2
A crime punished on the field can still be subject to court charges.

Act 2.3
Where a crime can be punished under more than one act, it shall be punished for every of those act, but only once for the same offence.

Act 2.4
No person is entitled to give death to another person without due process of justice, or unless a person is requesting an euthanasia from a medic.
Exception is made for LEOs preventing or stopping a crime.

Act 2.5
Ignorance of law and mental disorders are not an excuse in a process of justice.

Act 2.6
Anyone who commits or assists in committing a crime, attempts to commit a crime, or who helps the perpetrators to evade or hide or funds them, is guilty of that crime.

Act 2.7
A person who is not a Law Enforcer is not allowed to arrest another person.
A person who is not a Law Enforcer is not allowed to stop a crime by using force that could cause serious injuries or death to the perpetrator.
A Law Enforcer may use force that could cause serious injuries or death to the perpetrator only if it is the only way to prevent or stop a crime.
A Law Enforcer may use force to stop an evading perpetrator.

Act 2.8
Any person authorised to use force is responsible for excessive use of this force to a criminal extent.

Act 2.9
A Law Enforcer cannot be held responsible for arresting the wrong person.

Act 2.10
Abuse of power is forbidden and is punishable by up to 10 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 2.11
A Law Enforcer who is arresting a person must immediately inform the person of the reason of the arrest.

Act 2.12
Provocation is the act of attempting, by gestures, words or blows, to start hostilities.

Act 2.13
Trespassing, or the fact of entering a property without a proper authorisation, is prohibited.

Act 2.14
Acts 2.12 and 2.13 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of jail.

Act 2.15
A person witnessing a crime must report this crime as soon as he deems it safe.
A person who possesses weapons without proper authorisation or drugs must give up on them at the nearest police department.

Part three - offences against public order
Act 3.1
Treason and high treason of acts consisting of putting national security in danger by revealing sensitive information or committing actions that could be troublesome to the state.
A person guilty of treason or high treason may lose citizenship, driving license and all his assets in the due process of justice.

Act 3.2
A person attempting to sabotage a government organisation or turn it against its main purpose is guilty of inciting to mutiny.
Mutiny is an action against the government in order to bring it down or incapacitate it and is forbidden.

Act 3.3
A person who expresses, by his words or actions, seditious intentions, is guilty of sedition.
Sedition is an act that tends towards insurrection or rebellion against the established order by creating and promoting discontent and resistance to authority.

Act 3.4
A person who uses violence, or threatens use of violence, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim is guilty for terrorism. Terrorism, supporting terrorism, funding terrorism, faking terrorism or showing support to terrorism is forbidden.

Act 3.5
Acts 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 are punishable by up to 48 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 3.6
Unlawful assembly is an assembly of people obstructing a property owned by the government or citizens.
All streets and houses are government property unless properly stated otherwise.

Act 3.7
A riot is an assembly that is unlawful and out of control or an assembly disturbing the peace.
Anyone taking part in a riot may be punished by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 3.8
A Law Enforcer may use as much force as he deems necessary to bring a riot under control. He must first request the rioters to disperse before using such force.

Act 3.9
Duels are prohibited.
Duel is an arranged combat between two persons which may result into death of a person.

Act 3.10
Using weapons in order to cause harm or incite fear is prohibited.

Act 3.11
Threats to cause injury or death are prohibited.

Act 3.11
Acts 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 3.12
Pedestrians must use a pedestrian crossing to cross the road.
Pedestrians are not required to use a pedestrian crossing if there is none within 50 metres from them and no traffic is coming from any direction.

Part four - offences against administration of justice and law
Act 4.1
Resisting arrest is a crime in itself.

Act 4.2
Evasion from prison is a crime.

Act 4.3
A person who willfully attempts to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice is guilty of obstruction to justice.

Act 4.4
A person who gives contradictory or false statements to the government, courts of Liberty City or LEOs is guilty of perjury.

Act 4.5
Disobeying the order or court or government will result into a more severe punishment.

Act 4.6
Impersonating a Law Enforcer is a crime.

Act 4.7
Refusing to pay a fine is a crime.

Act 4.8
Acts 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Part five - public and moral conduct
Act 5.1
A person who engages into an intercourse with another person against his will or without his consent is guilty of rape.

Act 5.2
A person who commits touches of a sexual manner without the other person's consent is guilty of sexual interference.

Act 5.3
Acts 5.1 and 5.2 are punishable by up to 10 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 5.4
Prostitution is defined as an act of exchanging sexual contact for a reward.
A person who willingly accepts rewards or payments in exchange for giving sexual satisfaction is guilty of prostitution.
A person who pays another person in exchange for sexual satisfaction is guilty of taking part in prostitution.
A person who promotes, supports or organises prostitution is guilty of pimping.
This act is punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 5.5
A person who exposes genital parts of his body is guilty of indecent exposure.

Act 5.6
A person who is nude in public is guilty of nudity.

Act 5.7
Causing disturbance on public places by shouting, fighting, screaming, swearing or using obscene language, being drunk or impede or loitering or molesting is a crime.

Act 5.8
A person who endangers the comfort, safety, property or lives of others is guilty of common nuisance.

Act 5.9
A person who has no belongings and lives from crime is guilty of vagrancy.

Act 5.10
A person spreading false news is guilty of spreading false news.

Act 5.11
Betting on public places is prohibited.

Act 5.12
Holding a building which is not intended for betting with the intention of permitting bets to take place is forbidden.

Act 5.13
Owning, using the services of or working for a brothel is prohibited.

Act 5.14
Acts 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 and 5.13 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 5.15
Games permitted by the state cannot be punished under acts 5.11 and 5.12.

Part six - crimes against the person and reputation
Act 6.1
A person who by omitting to perform his duty jeopardises the lives of others is guilty of criminal negligence.

Act 6.2
A person who causes death by criminal negligence is guilty of causing death by criminal negligence.

Act 6.3
A person who directly or indirectly causes the death of another person is guilty of homicide.

Act 6.4
Death of another person without the intent to kill, but where the person's death occurs as a result of the negligent or reckless actions of the defendant is manslaughter.

Act 6.5
A person who intentionally causes bodily harm to another person is guilty of causing bodily harm with intent.

Act 6.6
Acts 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of jail.

Act 6.7
A person who attacks another person, with or without a weapon, is guilty of assault.
A person who attacks another person with a vehicle is guilty of vehicular assault.

Act 6.8
A person who stalks, follows, spies on or watches a person repeatedly without his consent is guilty of harassment.

Act 6.9
A driver who causes harm to another person or his property while operating a vehicle is guilty of dangerous operation of vehicle.
If the driver is under influence of drugs or alcohol, the punishment shall be more severe.

Act 6.10
A person who prevents another person from providing first aid or saving another person's life is guilty of impeding attempt to save life.

Act 6.11
Acts 6.7 6.8 6.9 and 6.10, are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 6.12
If a person detains another person or group of persons against his (their) will, this person is guilty of hostage taking or kidnapping.
Hostage taking and kidnapping are a serious offence.
This act is punishable by up to 10 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 6.13
A person who threatens another person or an organisation to reveal his/its personal information or secrets if the threatened person/organisation disobeys him is guilty of blackmailing.

Act 6.14
A person who encourages hate towards a person, a group or an organisation is guilty of hate propaganda.

Act 6.15
Acts 6.15 and 6.16 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Part seven - crimes against property
Act 7.1
A person who takes another person's belonging without his consent  is guilty of theft.

Act 7.2
A person who takes possession of another person's or organisation's valuables without his/its consent is guilty of robbery.

Act 7.3
A person who creates or uses false documents in order to hide his identity is guilty of forgery.
A Law Enforcer may use false documents in his line of duty if approved by the court.

Act 7.4
A person who obtains money, property or services from another through coercion is guilty of extortion.

Act 7.5
Acts 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 7.6
A person who damages property he does not own is guilty of vandalism.
This crime is punishable with a fine.

Act 7.7
A person who occupies or blocks government or private property he does not own is guilty of hijacking.
This act is punishable by up to 10 minutes by imprisonment.

Part eight - fraud
Act 8.1
A person who requires payment for services or goods but is not willing to deliver those is guilty of fraud.

Act 8.2
A person who does not respect payments in gambling activities is guilty of fraudulent gambling.

Act 8.3
A person who copies a registered trademark or infringes a registered copyright without the patent's owner's agreement is guilty of trademark or copyright infringement.

Act 8.4
Acts 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 are punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Act 8.5
A person pretending to be an another person by taking on a name or title that is not his is guilty of personification.

Act 8.6
A person who creates, distributes, holds or uses false documents in order to obtain a personal gain is guilty of falsification of documents.

Act 8.7
A person who creates, provides or uses false evidence with the intention of deceiving others is guilty of falsification of evidence.

Act 8.8
Acts 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 are punishable by up to 10 minutes of imprisonment.

Part nine - drugs
Act 9.1
It is forbidden to possess, buy, sell, produce, transport, promote or give or receive drugs.
This does not apply to Law Enforcers performing their duties.
This act is punishable by up to 5 minutes of imprisonment.

Part ten - weapons
Act 10.1
A person is allowed to posses the following firearms without a special permission from the court: knife, Desert Eagle, Glock 17, Remington model 870 pump shotgun.

Act 10.2
A person is allowed to posses the following firearms with a special permission from the court: Remington 700 bolt-action rifle, Micro SMG.

Act 10.3
Remington model 1100 TAC 4 Combat shotgun, SW MP-10 submachine gun, AK-47, M4A1, German DSR-1, MPS AA-12, FN P90, M249 and PSG-1 are classified as military-class weapons and only Law Enforcers are permitted to possess and operate these, and only when performing their duties.

Act 10.4
A person is not allowed to possess a weapon he is not authorised to possess by either the court or a LEO. Such person would be guilty of illegal possession of a firearm.

Act 10.5
A person is not allowed to import, export, transport, manufacture, sell, promote, buy or give or receive a weapon from or to another person. Such person would be guilty of illegal firearms trafficking.
Exception is for registered weapon dealers approved by the court.

Act 10.6
Acts 10.4 and 10.5 are punishable by up to 8 minutes of jail.

Act 10.7
Other hand held items that were not mentioned in earlier acts of part ten of the Criminal laws may still be classified as weapons if they were intentionally used to cause bodily harm.

Act 10.8
Possession, use, distribution of or manufacturing explosive or incendiary devices is illegal.
This does not apply for LEOs.
This act is punishable by up to 8 minutes of imprisonment.

Part eleven - vehicle operation
Act 11.1
All drivers must abide the speed limits of 80 km/h in city and 120 km/h on a highway.

Act 11.2
All drivers must drive on the right side of the road.

Act 11.3
All drivers must drive forward.
Exception is for drivers who are in the process of parking their vehicle.
No reverse movements are allowed on highways.

Act 11.4
Drivers are required to slow down or stop their vehicles when they face a red light and traffic is coming from the direction with the green light. In case of absence of traffic from other directions, drivers are not required to stop at red lights.

Act 11.5
On a road with more than one lane going in the same direction, the left lane is considered the fast lane and is used to overtake other vehicles. Obstructing the fast lane is forbidden.

Act 11.6
Overtaking other drivers is permitted on a road with more than one lane going in the same direction as long as both drivers respect the speed limit and do not present a risk to other drivers.

Act 11.7
U-turns are permitted as long as they are done in a safe manner and do not obstruct or slow down the traffic.
U-turns that obstruct or slow down the traffic or result or may result into an accident are prohibited.
J-turns, or the act of going backwards and then turning by 180 degrees, are prohibited.

Act 11.8
Parking is to be done in a way that does not obstruct or slow down the traffic.
Parking on the sidewalk is forbidden. Exception to this is where the driver parks his vehicle parallelly to the sidewalk with 70 % of his car being on the sidewalk. This is called a pullover.
Parking outside of designed parking areas is forbidden.

Act 11.9
It is forbidden to park inside or in front of LEO buildings or government buildings.
Vehicles that obstruct these buildings are to be towed away at the driver's expense.
If the driver is not present, the vehicle owner will be charged.
Exception is for LEO vehicles and authorised government vehicles.

Act 11.10
Slowing down in front of another person with the intention of blocking them, pushing them out of the road or making them rapidly slow down is prohibited.
Exception is for situations where such a rapid stop is needed, for example a pedestrian crossing the road in an unexpected place.

Act 11.11
It is forbidden to operate any vehicle (including bikes and helicopters) inside any park throughout Liberty City.
Exception is for LEO vehicles and authorised government vehicles.

Act 11.12
All citizens are expected to pull over at the side of the road if they see or hear a passing LEO vehicle, an ambulance or a firetruck with emergency lights and sirens turned on.

Act 11.13
All aforementioned acts of part twelve shall be punished with a fine.
If the driver or vehicle owner refuse to pay the fine, they may be charged with the crime.

Act 11.14
Any driver that is danger to himself or others on a public road by repeatedly violating the laws of vehicle operation can be subject of temporary license revoking.

Part twelve - business and economy laws
Act 12.1
Fair competition - it is forbidden for a business owner to rapidly lower prices of his products to draw clients from the competition.

Act 12.2
Business owners are forbidden to unitely increase prices on their products in order to leave the customer no choice on where and for what price to buy a product. This also damages fair competition mentioned in the previous act.

Act 12.3
Although businesses are not required to provide all information to consumers in every circumstances, businesses are obliged to ensure the information they do provide in the act of promotion, are accurate and important information is not being kept or manipulated to gain consumers.

Part thirteen - civil law and government
Act 13.1
Citizen is a person who possesses a passport.

Act 13.2
The only organisation in Liberty City which is authorised to issue passports is Citizens of Liberty (COL).
COL is a government organisation.
To obtain a passport, one must first pass an exam.
COL sets the details and requirements of the exam.

Act 13.3
The only organisation in Liberty City which is authorised to issue driving licenses is Second Street Driving School (SSDS).
SSDS is a government organisation.
To obtain a driving license, one must first pass lessons and exam.
SSDS sets the details and requirements of the exam.

Part fourteen - fire safety laws
Act 14.1
LCFD is the only group allowed to give fire safe stamps and certifications for your businesses.

Act 14.2
LCFD is the only group that can Inspect and declare safe/hazardous of any establishment, business in Liberty City.

Act 14.3
Only trained LCFD members can install and remove fire safety equipment.

Act 14.4
All  Government Buildings : Court hall, City hall, Hospitals, Police Stations, Federal Bureau Of Investigations Offices
Public Places : Gas Stations, Factories, Restaurants,  and other Businesses, should have safety equipment.

Act 14.5
After a 4 months grace period all Government Buildings, Businesses will need to have fire safety equipment installed or requested.

Act 14.6
After those 4 months owners of the business who didn't install fire safety equipment, will be fined 1.000$ ARD and sued per act Act 5.8
General / Basic Server Rules
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 08, 2024, 09:15 PM
Basic Server Rules

-- General Rules --
Do not cheat; do not hack
Do not use mods which gives you advantage (i.e. handling mods)
Do not heli kill; do not car kill; do not repeatedly or purposely ram others; do not carjack others
Do not abuse glitches, tools, bugs or faults in scripts that give you advantage over other players
Do not commit suicide or get killed for the purpose of respawning at another location
Do not pause during combat, while being wanted or in a place that hinders other players
Do not revenge kill
Do not flood/spam any chat window
Do not insult or swear at other players, respect them
Heavily trolling to irritate other players is not allowed
Do not attack others without a valid roleplay reason
Do not imposter other players
Do not use multiple accounts
Unreadable nicknames are not allowed
Nicknames that are or does have parts of Lord of the Rings characters names are not allowed
Rulebreaking without administrators present is still punishable; rulebreaking may be punished later on
The transfer of currency to the IV:MP server from or to any other Argonath server is not allowed
Discussions regarding personal matters, religion, politics are not encouraged
Buying, selling or offering to buy / sell any in-game items or money for real-life money is strictly prohibited.

-- Roleplay Rules --
Metagaming and powergaming is not allowed
Direct refusing and avoiding roleplay is not allowed
Do not use unrealistic actions in roleplay, keep it real
You cannot use out of character chats (pm, public chat) for roleplay purposes

-- Law Enforcement Rules --
Cops may not suspect for rulebreaking, only for lawbreaking
Cops may not abuse the suspectation command
Cops are supposed to use normal duty weapons granted by scripts
Do not shoot suspects that offer no resistance
You must act like the skin duty does require you to be acted
Cop vehicles are for their duty use only
Cops are obligated to use police owned vehicles when performing a pull over
Random traffic stops are not allowed.

-- Suspect Rules --
Do not attack or provoke cops while they don't interact with you
Do not escape the law enforcement if you have given up (/gu)
Shooting randomly at cops or randomly getting suspected for major law breaks is counted as deathmatching
Do not evade the law enforcers in helicopter (if a person is suspected while already flying they must abandon the helicopter within 1 minute)
Do not random aid suspects
Escaping by boat or aircraft as suspect is not allowed

-- Additional Rules --
Receiving weapons / healing during combat is not allowed
Banned weapons are: Grenades, Molotov Cocktails and Rocket Launchers
Do not keep bugs that can be abused secret (report immediately to scripters to fix the bug)
Businesses / Vehicle list and pricing
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 08, 2024, 09:13 PM
Vehicle List

| Ingot: $10.000 ARD
| Emperor (Rusty): $10.000 ARD
| Sabre (Rusty): $10.000 ARD
| Vigero (Rusty): $10.000 ARD
| Emperor: $15.000 ARD
| Uranus: $15.000 ARD
| Buccaneer: $18.000 ARD
| Vigero: $18.000 ARD
| Marbella: $18.000 ARD
| Esperanto: $20.000 ARD
| Hakumai: $20.000 ARD
| Virgo: $21.000 ARD
| Faction: $22.000 ARD
| Rom: $22.000 ARD
| Primo: $22.000 ARD
| Stalion: $23.000 ARD
| Williard: $24.000 ARD
| Manana: $25.000 ARD
| Fortune: $30.000 ARD
| Futo: $34.000 ARD
| Voodoo: $40.000 ARD
| Peyote: $55.000 ARD
| Airtug: $15.000 ARD
| Forklift: $15.000 ARD
| Pony: $33.000 ARD
| Romero: $35.000 ARD
| Burrito: $36.000 ARD
| Speedo: $37.000 ARD
| Brickade: $40.000 ARD
| Taxi: $44.000 ARD
| Mr Tasty: $46.000 ARD
| Cabby: $50.000 ARD
| Boxville: $55.000 ARD
| Steed: $60.000 ARD
| Mule: $65.000 ARD
| Yankee: $67.000 ARD
| Ripley: $75.000 ARD
| Trash: $75.000 ARD
| Benson: $85.000 ARD
| Packer: $87.000 ARD
| Biff: $92.000 ARD
| Stockade: $101.000 ARD
| Flatbed: $110.000 ARD
| Phantom: $130.000 ARD
| Blista Compact: $30.000 ARD
| Premier: $35.000 ARD
| Merit: $37.000 ARD
| Admiral: $40.000 ARD
| Ruiner: $40.000 ARD
| Vincent: $40.000 ARD
| Intruder: $41.000 ARD
| Chavos: $45.000 ARD
| DF8: $50.000 ARD
| Washington: $60.000 ARD

| Tug: $35.000 ARD
| Dinghy: $60.000 ARD
| Tropic: $145.000 ARD
| Reefer: $150.000 ARD
| Jetmax: $160.000 ARD
| Squalo: $174.000 ARD
| Marquis: $260.000 ARD
| Bobcat: $29.000 ARD
| Stratum: $32.000 ARD
| Rancher: $33.000 ARD
| Habanero: $35.000 ARD
| Minivan: $40.000 ARD
| Rebla: $43.000 ARD
| MoonBeam: $46.000 ARD
| Pernnial: $69.000 ARD
| E109: $80.000 ARD
| Landstalker: $88.000 ARD
| FXT: $110.000 ARD
| Patriot: $120.000 ARD
| Stretch: $133.000 ARD
| Cavalcade: $159.000 ARD

| Faggio: $8.000 ARD
| Freeway: $32.000 ARD
| Sanchez: $35.000 ARD
| Zombie: $40.000 ARD
| PCJ600: $40.000 ARD
| Hellfury: $47.000 ARD
| NRG 900: $75.000 ARD
| Sabre: $25.000 ARD
| Solair: $34.000 ARD
| Locus: $36.000 ARD
| Pinnacle: $40.000 ARD
| Dilettante: $40.000 ARD
| Feroci: $48.000 ARD
| Schafter: $55.000 ARD
| Sabre GT: $55.000 ARD
| Feltzer: $70.000 ARD
| Dukes: $75.000 ARD
| Sentinel: $75.000 ARD
| Sultan: $77.000 ARD
| Pres: $95.000 ARD
| Oracle: $105.000 ARD
| PMP600: $130.000 ARD
| Sultan RS: $153.000 ARD

| Tour Maverick: $580.000 ARD
| Maverick: $600.000 ARD
| Huntley: $125.000 ARD
| Banshee: $180.000 ARD
| Coquette: $200.000 ARD
| Cognoscenti: $250.000 ARD
| Turismo: $299.000 ARD
| Comet: $300.000 ARD
| Infernus: $310.000 ARD
| Super GT: $333.000 ARD
General / Administration Team
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 08, 2024, 09:00 PM
Administration Team

Division Leaders




General / Roleplay Guide
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 08, 2024, 08:57 PM
Roleplay Guide

What is roleplay?
A roleplaying game is a game in which the players assume the roles of characters and create stories. Players determine the actions of their characters based on their characterisation and the actions succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines. Within the rules, they may improvise freely, their choices shape the direction and outcome of the whole roleplay game.

Roleplay is as free as you can imagine. Want to roleplay a tree? Go for it. Maybe a prisoner? Sure. Just make sure the surroundings fit the roleplay you are working on and make sure other people understand it too. If you want to stick to building just your character, then you should act like that. No one will take you for serious if your interest is jumping all over the place. If you are switching from one role to other (cop & criminal), then you are falling under the line of a 'casual roleplayer'. Say for that example of criminal/copper, you are a player with criminal affiliation, not the badass gang member.

Whatever you roleplay, remember to have fun. Freely roaming around can be fun for just some time, after which it will become just a waste of time. Yes, waste of time in game, can it get lower than that?

There are a couple of commands you can use when roleplaying:
/me [text] - This is used for actions that your character is doing at this moment (example: /me scratches his head).
/l [text] - This is used for normal speaking from character to character.
/s [text] - This is used for shouting from character to character. An exclemation symbol ('!') will be added at the end. Cops use this alot to shout to criminals.
/w [text] - This is used for whispering from character to character.
/em [text] - This is used to describe/ask out of character stuff (example: /me kicks the car, /em would the car get damaged?).
/chatmode local - This is used to set default chatmode to local, so you don't have to type /l all the time. (You need /p [text] to talk in main chat if using local chatmode)

Note that a couple of roleplay rules apply to the server. You may not:
Metagame - using external powers to involve with the game, such as /pm to call for backup or follow a 'blip' on the radar in a RP scene.
Powergame - use superpowers to win every roleplay, such as continue running when a police officer roleplayed shooting you.
Refuse/avoid roleplay - ignore any roleplay a player starts, want to go offline or go away from keyboard? Announce in public chat or PM the player about it.
Use unrealistic actions - in a roleplay you cannot pull an automatic weapon out of your pocket, so roleplay grabbing one from your car for example.
Use out of character chats - use /pm or public chat for roleplay purposes. This is a grey area since calling players from out of the game is allowed.
Force roleplay - give other players a chance to respond, this is the same as powergaming (example: /me ties the person so they cannot go anywhere).
Use out of character chats - use /pm or public chat for roleplay purposes. This is a grey area since calling players from out of the game is allowed.

Flaming and insulting
Here, our dear Wikipedia will give us the basic picture:
"Flaming (also known as bashing) is hostile and insulting interaction between internet users. Flaming usually occurs in the social context of a discussion board..."

A player who is spamming obviously has some problems or likes to be a trouble. That doesn't not allow mini-modders to jump on him with "OMG stop spamming". You talk to him, yes, you use normal language in PM to ask him why he's spamming. An admin can also do this and its preferable that administration member does ask the player because we can depict him what will happen if he continues.

Repeating the same sentence over and over again is called flooding. You do not just on a player if he writes the same message twice. Three times or more is flooding. If a newcomer asks for a command or something and no one answers, he'll tend to ask it more then once or use PM. A player can also feel that he is not seen, so he floods. Be kind to him!

Script abuse
Say for example you are able to enter a car you are not supposed to enter. Report immediatly! If you are caught abusing the scripts, a ban may happen.

Foreign languages
Foreign languages are not forbidden on our server. However, they are forbidden in public chat.

Incorrect /report usage
"OMG READ MY REPORT" and "/report /report /report /report" are things administrators do not like. You can see if an administrator handles your report so act like it.

A troll is someone who talks rubbish, or plays the game to provoke other players. Best treatment against trolls is IGNORING. Ignore him, he will just skip towards and if he sees his attempts are futile he'll just stay/go away or stop trolling as he wouldn't see it fun.
News / New Forum!
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 08, 2024, 08:45 PM
Hello guys,

Since the ArgonathRPG forums are usually down and otherwise unreliable and Discord Forums being lackluster, we've decided to launch our own forum for important things that are easier done on a forum.