How to post an unban request

Started by Kerrar, Mar 17, 2024, 06:41 PM

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Posting an unban request

Before writing a request to be unbanned please read this thread and familiarise yourself with the rules and other relevant information.

Part one: The Format

  • Each unban request must be made using the form below
  • If you do not know the answer to any of the questions, write 'Unknown' or an approximation
  • This information alone is not enough however, it is also required that you write supporting comments. If you dispute your ban you must state clearly what happened from your point of view, if you do not dispute the ban you must address your actions accordingly.
    So if you have been banned for using cheats for example you will need to acknowledge the use of cheats, confirm they have been removed and assure us that you will not use them again

Do not include the following in your unban request:

  • Your IP address or other personal information such as your email address
  • Your opinion about being banned
  • Your opinion about the admin who banned you or the staff as a whole
  • Any other information that is not relevant to the unban request

Part two: Extra information

There are a number of reasons why players may receive a server ban, some of those reasons are as follows:

  • Using cheats and modifications that gives you advantages over other players
  • Constantly deathmatching/flaming/ignoring administrators
  • Script abusing
  • Benefiting directly from rulebreaking by another player and not reporting it (i.e. keeping cheated weapons/money)
  • Exploiting a bug / glitch in the game that gives yourself an advantage
  • Explaining others how to use cheats or exploit bugs
  • Encouraging other players to break the rules
  • Promoting or advertising other game servers outside the Argonath community
  • Breaches of rules that are repeated or on-going
  • Account sharing
  • Trading ingame items or money for real life money

Players will often use various excuses to avoid prolonged punishment, it should be noted that we will not accept the following excuses:

  • Another person accessed your account and broke the rules in your absence
  • You used a cheat for what you perceive to be a legitimate reason such as movie making or defending yourself against another cheat user

We are known to take a lenient approach to players who have been banned but are open and honest about it, it is in your best interests to admit to the rule breaking immediately and thus secure the earliest possible unban date. If after investigating your case we believe you to be lying we will deny your unban request.

Part three: What (not) to do

The following are ways that can result in a denial / extension of your ban period:

  • Threatening any staff member
  • Making abusive comments about staff or players
  • Lying in your unban request
  • Sending (forum) PMs any staff member
  • Ban evading
  • Arguing about the outcome of your unban request

The following are good ways to have your ban lifted:

  • Being entirely honest and open in your unban request
  • Being patient
  • Being respectful towards the administrator who banned you and the HQ staff who will consider unbanning you
  • Remaining calm even when you dispute the circumstances of the ban

Remember, this is an unban request not a way for you to express your grievances. If you wish to make a complaint about a member of staff the only acceptable way to do this is to send a personal message to any of the leaders.

[b]Your in-game name:[/b] TEXT HERE

[b]Your account name:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Ban reason as was stated in-game:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Admin who banned you:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]When you were banned:[/b] TEXT HERE

[b]Reason why you did it:[/b] TEXT HERE

- Kerrar